DUCK TAPE: “Best Escape-Artist In The World”

One of my earliest created Advertising projects. Had to create an advertisement for Duck Tape. Originally it was planned to be just a visual image of a self proclaimed "Best Escape-Artist in the World" unable to escape, the clock still running, and the night custodian cleaning a now empty theater.

After speaking with the professor who liked it but felt it needed an extra push I went for a much darker visual story told. Possibly influenced by The Twilight Zone and Disney's Haunted Mansion Changing Portraits. As a person get's close the Billboard senses and shifts to a grim shock fate for the Best Escape-Artist unable to defeat Duck Tape.

The Original Black Sharpie Marker Rough on Bienfang Graphics 360 Marker Paper.  This was the original rough I first made and presented the idea as.  I enjoy sharing how a project and ideas start so we can have a visual to the journey & changes all works can undergo.  Upon refection the marker rough presented was a bit to busy and needed better eye direction among other things.

The Original Black Sharpie Marker Rough on Bienfang Graphics 360 Marker Paper. This was the original rough I first made and presented the idea as. I enjoy sharing how a project and ideas start so we can have a visual to the journey & changes all works can undergo. Upon refection the marker rough presented was a bit to busy and needed better eye direction among other things.

Originally a GIF I made a simple video to showcase the idea of the Body Sensing Changing Billboard.