YETI keeps your food cold by ensuring that the cold/air doesn’t escape or have heat enter. To do this it’s seal and the overlooked shell must be able to withstand not just the harshest weather but all brutal outside attacks and not break.
Idea & How it Works:
Wanting to show the durability and sealed tightness that the Yeti offers that allows your food and drinks to stay cold. I first made an image of a Boxer attacking with the result only being breaking his bones against the YETI.
After that I just kept on having new fun ideas towards this advertisement campaign that showcased the YETI's tight seal, shell, and power from other challengers, attacks, great dangers, and weapons. Selected only 5 to be presented here.
My professor loved it as it was but after speaking to others for their insights I’m planning on removing the “YETI WINS” and replacing with small copy for better communication of what and why is being presented. Furthermore removing the “VS” part in each image for new Headline copy for this work (“YETI can take anything you can throw at it”). The old versions saved on a separate page to be linked bellow and here.
Notes or possible changes per versions: