iRobot Roomba: “Productive”
My ‘Insight’:
You had to put in time and a bit of effort from your arms (I recognize it requires your full body but your arms are doing most of the work) with a regular Vacuum.
Your arms can still be active but now have the time to be more productive. Shift the thinking that Roomba users are “Lazy” to “Fun & Time Efficient”.
How it works:
Making a series of ads showcasing what a person can do using their arms. Can range from regular activities, self improvement, new interests, or even fun and humorous trials.
Font(s) used:
“Avenir Next”.
Target Market:
Constant time limited non-Roomba owners
Made ten 20 second videos and 3 print ads during the pandemic. The videos were recorded using a camera from my parents and in their living room. Props from & starring me.